Chi Siamo


Domenico Pone

Domenico Pone

Domenico has gained multidisciplinary experiences, offering out-of-court and judicial consultancy and assistance to companies and public bodies, in the fields of European Union law and banking law.


Domenico achieved a master’s degree in law at the University of Naples “Federico II” in 2012, discussing a final thesis in European Union law entitled “The reference for preliminary ruling to the Court of Justice of European Union. The Italian praxis”

In the same year he started the legal traineeship at the Advocacy of the National Institute of Social Security (INPS) - Provincial Directorate of Naples.

Passed the Bar exam, in the 2014 he began a collaboration, first, with the De Simone Law Firm, then with the Merola & Partners Law Firm, assisting the professionals of the respective Banking & Finance teams in the provision of out-of-court and judicial consultancy and assistance to well-known banking and financial institutions.

Between 2017 and 2018 he worked as legal advisor at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and provided support to the Department for European Policies and, in particular, to the legislative sector of European Affairs Legislative Sector, in carrying out the activities of drafting legislative texts of European delegation and of European law, monitoring the approval procedures of such texts, and verifying, before and after, the compatibility of national law with European Union law.

In 2020 he was chosen as head of the UTPs and NPLs departments by the Donvito Law Firm, for which, as of councel, he still manages positions with high legal value and complexity.

In June 2021 he embraced Koiné’s ambitious project and since then, as counsel, supports the partners in looking after the relationship with the assisted companies and directs and coordinates the associates entrusted to the departments linked to the services offered.










Of counsel