Chi Siamo


Antonio Schiavo

Antonio Schiavo

Antonio has amassed a 20 years of experience in corporate law, financial law and real estate legislation while providing assistance in planning and implementing special financing operations for major companies in the fields of finance, insurance, banking and real estate.


In 1999 he earned a master’s degree in Law with honors (magna cum laude) from the Università di Napoli, with a thesis on the regulation of “Corporate groups.” His mentor was Prof. Gianfranco Campobasso.

In 2001, he joined Gruppo San Paolo Imi and soon was entrusted the position of Legal and Corporate Affairs Manager for IMIWEB Bank S.p.A (now IW Bank), while taking part in the reorganization of one of the first companies operating solely in online banking, specializing in “online trading” operations.

In 2004 he led the Legal and Corporate Affairs function at companies operating in the fields of real estate and finance, both listed and non-listed, while managing capital market operations.

In 2006 he opted to dedicate himself to freelance work, working with prominent law firms, both national and international, thus dealing mainly with real estate finance, private equity, mergers and acquisitions, and financing. At the same time, he regularly provided assistance to major investment management companies on such topics as finance regulation (establishment of investment funds, authorization procedures, replacement of managers at alternative investment funds, both in the real estate and movables). He also assisted major agents in the sector of Sustainable Energy, notably on investments for wind farms and biogas powerhouses.

Since 2012, as a partner, he has been involved in the development of the tax and law firm “Tax & Law”. In 2019 he was one of the founders of Koiné.

He holds positions in non-listed companies.

He is the author of publications and serves as a lecturer at seminars on topics tied to finance regulation.










Of counsel