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Koiné will provide assistance and legal advice in relation to the fulfilments imposed on the Board of Directors and the Independent Directors of Mittel S.p.A. in the context of the voluntary takeover bid on the Company's ordinary shares launched by Lake BidCo S.p.A.
Secondo la Consob, negli organi sociali composti da meno di 5 membri la quota di genere pari a 2/5 si applica con arrotondamento per difetto all'unità inferiore.
In March 2019, the ELITE Corporate Governance Framework was presented with contributions from Borsa Italiana, Confindustria and Assonime and Alessandro Chieffi.
Court of Cassation: a Special Purpose Vehicle can contest the debtor (i) its lack of passive legitimacy as regards the counterclaims filed against it and (ii) the inadmissibility of the compensation of the debtor's claims against the Originator.